When will the pizza machine appear in your town? They may already be there, waiting for the exact instant to expose themselves and start conquering your neighborhood pizza racket.

The selection of pizza ingredients for the automatic venda automática de pizza machine is surprising. The dog owner can freely arranged the type and taste of pizza.

Por exemplo: classic margarita, four types of cheese, spicy salami anda??bacon? Even in america where bacon is enthusiastic, it has never really turn into a pizza ingredient, but it’s very popular in Italy, enough to ensure a place in the rotation of pizza automata.

An máquina de pizza automática can make a pizza in only three minutes. You can also watch the pizza cooking process while you wait around. Pizzas range between 4.50 Euros and 6 Euros (US$5.20 to US$7.20), and there are four options: Margarita, four cheeses, spicy salam and Italian bacon.