Many teens and children are extremely fond of ice attracted by his scrumptious temptation, cream and cool. If you wide open an ice cream store, ice cream machine will need to have, ice cream mold includes a warranty period? Let’s understand its features and maintenance primary!


2???1. Weighed against the original ice cream machine, the taste and end result of ice cream generated have greatly improved. In the process of earning ice cream, its sound and energy intake are reduced correspondingly.

2. Another feature of the shower machine is that it includes a low temperatures and high effectiveness compressor, which is very small in the process of starting pressure drop and includes a strong capability to work consistently to meet up the continuous cup.

2???Maintenance items

1. During the utilization of ice cream equipment, the four screws privately of hydraulic valve shall be unscrewed, and the components of hydraulic valve will be removed. In this process, it’s important to determine whether the voltage is ranked voltage. it’s important to check on the valve stem by taking out the hydraulic valve Inspection of sealing band.

2. In the process of machine handling, geralmente, the tilt position of ice cream equipment cannot exceed 45 Graus.

3. During the application of ice cream machine, its gear setting shouldna??t be too excessive. If the gear setting is too high, it will greatly increase its vitality consumption and is very unfavorable to the provider life of the machine.

The above may be the characteristics of ice cream machine and its own maintenance. In the daily application process, it can understand the characteristics and timely carry out the maintenance in the process of use, that may improve the service existence of the equipment and bring better monetary benefits.

The key reason why hommy ice cream self-service vending equipment can attract many consumers is not only as a result of its exquisite form and cool appearance, but also because it may bring surprise consumption and service experience to customers. It decreases the technical threshold of ice cream, and Xiaobai can certainly generate ice cream; The second reason is to reduce the functioning costs. We can operate without opening a shop, and we can operate without the employees. Sua flexibilidade pode ser incomparável ao modo original. It really is distributed in all sorts of squares, cinemas e outras áreas, and can recognize full-automatic production and sales without human supervision every day and night.

Hommy develops and expands the marketplace with innovative and improved sincere offerings, products and technology. The manufacturer develops and functions jointly with dealers in various regions. Welcome to telephone field visit, buy and consultation!