A soda machine could be an excellent addition to any break room. Employees dona??t have to drive across town to get their drinks and can create an atmosphere of relaxation. Though machines can vary widely by manufacturer and model, having a a good understanding of the available options can help in narrowing down the options.

Find out the facts and figures first. You should know what is the most well-known soda brands and how many customers will make use of the máquina expendedora. For a business with only one employee, smaller vending machine with less cans is the ideal choice. A larger vending machine may be used by a larger business with greater sodas.

While bottles cost more, they hold more soda. Cans are cheaper, so they might be an option. There are vending machines that sell bottles and cans, meaning that youa??ll have a selection of sizes. The number of customers who frequent the location and the frequency with which they buy soda will help determine the most appropriate choice.

Select which sodas to display in the vending machine. There is always a selection of slots available, but this will have an effect on the appearance and design of the machine. For instance the case of the Pepsi drinker might leave machines with the Coke logo, regardless of the fact that it’s loaded with Pepsi.

You can decide whether to lease or purchase a soda maker from a major distributor like Pepsi or Coke. Rentals are great for a test run when youa??re planning to enter vending since there’s less investment upfront. Sin embargo, the parent company can have restrictions on the kind of soda youa??re allowed to offer.

Look into buying a used vending machine of good quality. A used machine will save a considerable amount in initial expenses, and will often work just as well as a brand new one. Sin embargo, used vending machines are more expensive to repair than new ones so make sure that youa??ve got spare parts.